
Carol Pagliaro


Rick Lambert




Leadership Communication
for Point-of-Care Coordinators:

“Essential Skills for
Dealing with Anyone”


Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, June 14, 2006 at 1:00 p.m.

Roosevelt Hospital Winston Conference Room


Rick Import, Medical Automation Systems


Effective Communication

  1. A learned skill

  2. Requires understanding the listener, as well as being understood by the listener.

One-way vs. Two-way communication


  • Quicker

  • Easier to deliver

  • Harder on the recipient

  • Delivers less precise results


  • Takes more time

  • Harder for the deliverer

  • Easier on the recipient

  • Delivers much more precise results

Our impressions influence our ability to communicate effectively.


Our impressions are:

  • Based on our life's experiences

  • Experiences differ from person to person

  • Impressions of the same thing differ from person to person.

  • Impressions are based on our own perspectives

Hindrances to effective communication

  • When we make judgments to soon

  • When we advise without knowing the other person's perspective

  • When we try to change the other person's perspective

Types of Listening


It is important to listen without judging.

  1. Pretending: Gives inappropriate response to question because distracted by other activity.

  2. Selective:  Only hears part of the conversation.

  3. Attentive: Hears every word of what's being said but doesn't assimilate the information.

  4. Reloading: Instead of listening, thinks about what response will be.

  5. Active: This is the most effective form of listening.

Four phases of Active Listening

  1. Repeat the content - least effective, but tunes the listener in.

  2. Rephrase the content - Lets the speaker know that the listener is thinking about what's been said.

  3. Reflect feeling - Shows concern.

  4. Rephrase the content and reflect feeling - Shows sincerity, barriers disappear.

First Impressions

  • Formed in 10 seconds

  • Determines the level at which people will listen

  • Formed often before a word is spoken

  • §60% of communication is non-verbal (30% sounds, 10% words.

Body language influences how well someone listens

  • Introductions should be full-bodied, that is completely facing the intended listener

  • Avoid non-verbal credibility detractors, such as fidgeting, rocking back and forth

  • Always have a smile.

  • Deep breaths can help relax the speaker and relive any tension that could be detected by the listener.

  • Always make eye contact with the listener.

Key points to effective communication

  • It's not what you say; it's how you say it.

  • Lead with "You" to create a connection with the listener.

  • Start at the end to explain the why, not the how.

  • Set the stage today for better communication tomorrow.

Final Thought for Effective Communication


Next Meeting

  • October 4, 2006 was selected as next meeting date.