Virginia Point of Care Coordinators, like everyone else, has been closely monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and the guidance of the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control regarding the spread of the virus. Since we received your RSVP to our upcoming spring meeting, we wanted you to know that we have made the decision at this time to postpone our VAPOCC April 3rd Conference, to a later date, more than likely in the fall. |
Join us for our April 3, 2020 Meeting in Richmond! |

Heart and Vascular Institute Conference Room
of Bon Secours Heart Institute at Reynolds Crossing
7001 Forest Ave, Richmond, VA 23230
Learn more about the Agenda, 2021 Officer Elections, RSVP Details, Vendor Fair Opportunites and Directions! |
Agenda |
8:00am |
Check-in and Breakfast |
9:00am |
Welcome |
9:30am |
Risk Management in POCT: Eliminating Errors Before They Bite You
Presented by Dr. Jim Nichols |
10:30am |
Round Table Discussions |
11:30am |
Vendor Presentations |
12:00pm |
Lunch and Visit Vendors |
12:30pm |
VAPOCC Business Meeting |
1:00pm |
Scavenger Hunt with Board Members and Vendors |
1:30pm |
True Colors and Improving Interpersonal Relationships with your Team
Presented by Susan Elliott |
2:30pm |
Closing |
2021 Elections! |
Please submit candidates for the President Elect and Treasurer for 2021! Send names and contact information via email to Katherine Bodnar at Bon Secours today!
VAPOCC Membership Form: MS Word | PDF |
RSVP via email to Katherine Bodnar at Bon Secours today! |
Vendors |
Vendor fair tables will be available on a first come, first served basis. At the completion of the Vendor Fair, the afternoon session will include a Vendor Showcase which will allow the first six responses to participate. You will be given 5 minutes to speak about the latest release of your products.
Vendor Letter / Exhibit Space Form: MS Word | PDF |
Directions |
For door-to-door directions to the Heart and Vascular Institute Conference Room
of Bon Secours Heart Institute at Reynolds Crossing, 7001 Forest Ave, Richmond, VA 23230... click here. |