14th Annual



Thursday, August 4, 2016

7:30am – 10:00am

Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, PA


Talking the Talk: Overcoming the Barriers of Productive Communication”


Led by Whitehat Communications Rick Import, this Forum will highlight leader communication for POCCs and essential skills for dealing with anyone. The session will focus on techniques to help understand the perspectives of the people we communicate with before we shape our responses.  The presentation will include interactive role plays that will demonstrate listening styles that promote understanding in order to elicit the most appropriate and productive response.


For a preliminary copy of the meeting, click here or on the image to right.


Register Today!


We need your help!

Following the presentation, a panel of POCCs will address communication issues received from the audience as well as selected from our POCC survey.


Whether you plan to attend the 2016 AACC Annual Meeting and Clinical Lab Expo or not, please tell us about a communication issue or challenge that you have had with a nurse, device operator, physician, etc. We will address selected issues during the panel discussion segment of the POC Forum on August 4, 2016.


To complete this short survey, simply click on the link below.


POC Forum Communication Survey


Thank you in advance for participating.


The 2016 AACC POC Forum Committee


Steve Valorz, Alere Informatics







Amanda Bennett, MLS (ASCP)CM, POCC, Pennsylvania Hospital

Charlotte Bismark, BS, MT(ASCP), POCC, Dixie Regional Medical Center

JoAnn Crain, POCC, UMass Memorial Hospital

Kerstin Halverson, POCC, Children's Hospitals of Minnesota

Kim Skala, MT (ASCP), Clinical Specialist, Instrumentation Laboratory

Karen Jenkins, POCC, Emory Midtown, Atlanta

Note: Because we will be using multiple POCC lists to distribute this survey, you may get several requests to participate. We apologize in advance for that and thank you for understanding. Also, all survey information received will remain anonymous. If we use your issue, we will not reveal your name or any other details you provide.

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