April 15, 2003 Vendor Fair Recap


The POCCA meeting was held on April 15, 2003 at Shelby Baptist Medical Center in Alabaster, Alabama. The focus of this meeting was a Vendor Fair. 

Kelley Mitcham, POCCA President, called the meeting to order at 0930.  Fifty- three (53!) healthcare professionals representing twenty facilities attended the meeting. In addition to the attendees, there were fifteen vendor sponsors with fourteen booths set-up for interaction..

  • A proposed POCCA mission statement was presented and approved by the membership. The mission statement will be posted on the POCCA website.

  • Vendor presentations began at 10:15. Each vendor had a fifteen minute “window of opportunity” to highlight their products. Vendors included Standard Register, Medtronic, ITC, LifeScan, Cardinal, Nova, Roche, Bayer, MAS-RALS, ABX Diagnostics, Abbott Laboratories, Helena Labs, Beckman/Coulter, and AuraTech HemoCue.

  • ABX Diagnostics, Beckman Coulter, LifeScan, and Medtronic sponsored a BBQ lunch.

  • Vendors generously donated door prizes that were raffled off during the lunch break. Cardinal and Standard Register sponsored snack breaks.

  • Following lunch, attendees visited the vendor tables. It was an opportunity to see the various POC testing devices available, try a little “hands-on”, meet the vendor representatives, and gather information to take back to the workplace. It also provided the vendor reps with an opportunity to learn about the important “burning issues” for POC end users.

  • Plans were made to meet again in September or October of 2003 with date/location TBA. Kelley Mitcham closed the meeting by thanking the vendors for their support and sponsorship of POCCA.

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Last updated: 07/29/2003
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